Visiting any kinetic-type workplace is always a treat for me. I love meeting people who take things and make them into other things – it’s so ingenious and it appeals to that most kiwi part of me that wants to retreat to the garage and create something to simplify everyday life. Tacked together with number 8 wire of course.
So, to get to the point, it was a real pleasure meeting these energetic young apprentices who are helping repair the Christchurch Town Hall. I was lucky enough to visit the site thanks to Hemi who runs an awesome programme enabling young Maori apprentices to get a head start in the trades with supported job placements in a rewarding environment. I love this! ‘PHP’ as my friend Hammy often signs off communications with. People helping people. My favourite – good people doing good work to create great futures. I come away from work like this with the warm fuzzies – it’s lovely meeting people at the beginning of an adventure, starting a career, full of enthusiasm.
While processing these photos I was reflecting about my own career’s start and wondering what parallels there might be with these young carpenters. I totally admit to a number of humorous errors in my past – no film in the camera, left something behind, dropped something; whoops! I’m not sure what the equivalents are for a young apprentice but I smiled a few heartfelt smiles thinking about their journeys into the future and the achievements they have to look forward to.
So, to get to the point, it was a real pleasure meeting these energetic young apprentices who are helping repair the Christchurch Town Hall. I was lucky enough to visit the site thanks to Hemi who runs an awesome programme enabling young Maori apprentices to get a head start in the trades with supported job placements in a rewarding environment. I love this! ‘PHP’ as my friend Hammy often signs off communications with. People helping people. My favourite – good people doing good work to create great futures. I come away from work like this with the warm fuzzies – it’s lovely meeting people at the beginning of an adventure, starting a career, full of enthusiasm.
While processing these photos I was reflecting about my own career’s start and wondering what parallels there might be with these young carpenters. I totally admit to a number of humorous errors in my past – no film in the camera, left something behind, dropped something; whoops! I’m not sure what the equivalents are for a young apprentice but I smiled a few heartfelt smiles thinking about their journeys into the future and the achievements they have to look forward to.